冷军,1963年生。1984年毕业于武汉师范学院汉口分院艺术系。现任武汉画院院长。展览:1993年’93中国油画年展(银奖);1994年第二届中国油画展(艺术作品奖)、中国油画百年展;1995年’95第三届中国油画年展(金奖);1999年第九届全国美展(金奖);2000年1979-1999世纪之门邀请展、个展(深圳美术馆) ;2001年首届中国小油画大展(优秀作品奖);2002年中国油画三年展。作品多为国内外艺术机构及私人收藏。Born in Sichuan province and graduated in 1984 from the Art Department of Wuhan Normal University. He currently lives in Beijing where he is a professional painter and member of the China Realists group,an organization of painters formed to promote realist painting. Leng Jun won the Art Award in the 2nd Annual Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition,Beijing, and the Golden Award in the 3rd Annual Chinese Art Exhibition. His paintings have been sold regularly at auctions throughout China and have been acquired for private and institutional collections world-wide.